Recipe: Natural Earth Drawing Ink

Recipe: Natural Earth Drawing Ink


Step 1: Mix the Dry Ingredients

In a bowl, add pigment and gum arabic, 4:1. For example, add 4 TBSP of pigment with 1 TBSP of Gum Arabic and stir the two together.

Step 2: Making a Liquid

Add 2 TBSP of water to the mixture and stir it together until it is smooth and well blended. Some pigments require more or less water, so add more water if necessary. We are using the Natural Gold Mica pigment and added approximately 7 TBSP of water total to the mixture.

Step 3: Drawing

You’re ready to draw! This drawing ink works great with a calligraphy pen or a paint brush.

Step 4: Storage

Store in a jar or an air tight container to use later on.

More of a visual learner? Check out our video tutorial!

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